How To Play Texas Hold'Em

Texas Hold 'em is undoubtedly among the most famous casino games. Whether gamers are playing the online variant or the traditional version, nothing changes on how this marvelous poker game is played. Here is a detailed and informative guide on how to play Hold 'em.

This poker game is typically played using a standard deck of 52 cards. It involves anywhere from two to ten players on a table. The ideal number of guests is more than five players. When there are actually less than four players, the table is referred to as "short-handed." If only two players are involved, the game is known as "heads up."

The BlindsPre-FlopThe Flop, Turn, and the RiverThe Showdown
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The Blinds

The Blinds

Before each new hand, two players are required to post big and small blinds. Blinds are forced bets that signal the commencement of wagering. Antes, which are forced contributions from everyone on the table, may also be used. Blinds provide all the action since they involve players putting money into the pot.

The small blind, which is actually half the amount of the big blind, is often posted by the player seated on the left of the dealer button. The gambler who is situated directly left to the stated player will post the big blind. Blinds are raised at specific intervals depending on the number of players remaining on the table.

The Blinds


The first round of wagering starts when each player is dealt two hole cards. The first gambler to act is the one situated "under the gun." This position is located to the left of the big blind player. The first player has three options to make. He/she can call, raise, or fold.

Calling involves the player matching the amount posted by the big blind. If he increases this amount, then the action is known as raise while folding involves thrusting the hand away. Folding means that a player won’t win the active hand. Play then proceeds in a clockwise manner. Each player on the table is also required to call, fold, or raise.

The Flop, Turn, and the River

The Flop, Turn, and the River

The second round involves only players that never folded. It commences with the action of the first active gambler positioned to the left of the button. This player can bet, call, raise, fold, and even check. If the wager checks, then the action is subsequently passed to the next active bettor in the table. The action closes when the last raise or bet has been called or each player checks.

The next round is referred to as the turn and involves cards being dealt face up. Once this round is complete, the remaining players proceed to the next round called the river, which is similar to the previous round.

The Flop, Turn, and the River
The Showdown

The Showdown

After all the betting action, the remaining players expose their hole cards. The dealer then proceeds to determine the overall winner. Similar to other poker games, the player with the best five-card combination wins the pot. Some of these combinations include the royal flush, the straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, high card, one pair, and two pairs. A gambler constructs a winning hand by selecting the five best cards he has from the available seven. These seven cards are from the five community cards dealt in the river round plus the two hole cards.

The Showdown